Since the sun has shining and we've been experiencing spring like days, I don't think we can blame our lack of motivation to keep at our schooling on the wintery days some are having right now. I've tried this week to keep us on track, but the spring breezes wafting in our windows are so distracting. I did plan in some weeks off for this reason, knowing that this is a time of year when it is easy to be tired of the same-old-thing. However, knowing that we'll be taking a big break after the baby is born I've tried to accomplish as much as possible now.
We did change things up. We haven't really followed any schedule this week. Although the kids' chores and my housecleaning habits suffered from this, it has kept us going! We did complete lapbooks about library books the kids checked out a while back. That was very engaging for Charlie and not so much for Kait. I guess what works won't always work for everyone! That's something I need reminded of often I guess.
Baby Jeremiah seems to be most active at night now and heartburn is a frequent visitor. I'm also trying hard not to be grumpy, but feel like I am not in control of my emotions right now! I'm going to give that to the Lord moment by moment.
For today we're off to the library and then the park. We're going to check out a new park and soak up the sunshine and cool breezes. I always hope we'll run into other homeschoolers when we're out and about!
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